Karl Sczuka Prize Jury

Julia Cloot


Jury member since 2019.
Curator, author and university lecturer.

Julia Cloot
Kuratorin, Autorin und Dozentin

After receiving her doctorate in 1999 in Berlin, the music and literature scholar Julia Cloot was first head dramaturge at the Theater Görlitz, then was a foundation referee in Hanover. From 2005-2013, the curator, author and university lecturer headed the Institute for Contemporary Music at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main, and from 2006-2013 she was responsible for the off-program of the Donaueschinger Musiktage. Since 2011 she has been president of the German Society for New Music, and since 2016 she has been a board member of the German Federal Music Fund. Since October 2013, she has been a curator and deputy managing director at the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. Publications, lectures and workshops about (art) aesthetics and poetics around 1800, opera/new music theater, libretto, song, music and other arts, concert formats, performance, new music and its institutional history.
