Karl Sczuka Prize Jury

Inke Arns


Jury member since 2022.
Freelance curator and author specializing in media art and theory, Internet cultures, Eastern Europe.

Dr. Inke Arns
Dr. Inke Arns

Inke Arns, Director of HMKV in Dortmund (www.hmkv.de). Since 1993 freelance curator and author specializing in media art and theory, Internet cultures, Eastern Europe. After a stay in Paris (1982-1986) studied Slavic studies, Eastern European studies, political science and art history in Berlin and Amsterdam (1988-1996 M.A.), 2004 PhD at HU Berlin.

She curated many exhibitions - among others at bauhaus dessau, MG+MSUM Ljubljana, Gallery EXIT Pejë, KW Berlin, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, CCA Glasgow, CCA Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, HMKV Dortmund, HKW Berlin, Muzeum Sztuki Lodz, La Gaîté Lyrique Paris, MMOMA Moscow, BOZAR Brussels, NCCA Ekaterinburg, exportdrvo Rijeka, a. o. - and is author and editor of numerous articles on media art and Internet culture.

2021-2022 visiting professor for curatorial practice at the Kunstakademie Münster. 2022 curator of the Pavilion of the Republic of Kosovo (artist: Jakup Ferri), 59th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia.

