Karl Sczuka Prize Jury

Heinrich Vormweg


Jury member of the Karl Sczuka Prize from 1969 to 1983 and 1999 to 2002. Jury chairman from 1985 to 1998.
Publicist and freelance critic.

Heinrich Vormweg (1999)
Heinrich Vormweg

Heinrich Vormweg, born in Geisweid near Siegen in 1928 and died in Cologne in 2004, studied German, philosophy and psychology in Bonn from 1948-1955, wrote his doctorate on Christoph Martin Wieland, started as a dramaturge at the Contra-Kreis-Theater in Bonn, became an editor and then head of the feuilleton section of the Deutsche Zeitung.

From 1963 he worked in Cologne as a freelance critic and publicist for various newspapers and radio stations. 1969-2002 juror for the Karl Sczuka Prize for Radio Drama as Radio Art; 1985-1998 jury chairman. 1975-1998 juror of the SWF best list. Numerous reviews and radio broadcasts, several volumes of essays on contemporary literature as well as biographies on Heinrich Böll (2000), Günter Grass (1986/2002) and Peter Weiss (1981).
