Karl Sczuka Grant Prize 2024

Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow: Ecce, sigh! Siren calls…still, I feel the same – An acousmatic cadaver

Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow

My approach to composition and music is rather associative. I let myself be influenced and guided by what affects me and what interests and touches me in the editing process. In this piece, the sound of affect „Ecce!“ is contrasted with the sound of relaxation or reflection and resignation „sigh!“.

What touches without directly expressing something? Can I say something without language? What do we hear when we listen? And in which spatial-temporal dimension are we located? Is it a moment or a memory? Perhaps an observation of sound artifacts that are casually recorded and yet not forgotten.

Composition and realisation: Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow
Production: Radiophrenia Glasgow 2023 in co-operation with ORF Kunstradio

First broadcast on 25.8.2023 in Radiophrenia Glasgow

The jury gave the following reasons for their decisions

In her artistic practice, Beeskow undertakes an archaeological expedition into the acoustic archives of everyday life. In doing so, she creates an open auditory space in which traditional categories of meaning, work, and authorship are playfully subverted.

Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow

Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow was born in Düsseldorf in 1992 and studied archaeology in Cologne and applied theater studies in Giessen, and completed a Master’s degree in sound and reality at the Institute for Music and Media at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf. She founded the pandemic radio Wilsonstrasse.FM for students of the Hessian Theater Academy and initiated the performative alter ego Sailor Tune in 2022. She runs workshops on microphoning and sound design and writes about female composers and sound artists for the fanzine grapefruits.online, among others. She currently works interdisciplinarily in the independent scene in the fields of radio plays, sound art, experimental film, performance and dance as well as in the theater in Germany and internationally. In 2023, she was awarded the Music Prize of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. In her work, she deals with archive culture, the narrative and iconographic-hauntological quality of sound and sound artifacts, the elasticity of sonic material and the anecdotal.

Karl Sczuka Research Scholarship 2024 Maya Nguyen: „ZOOM01_DXC_BER.MP3 (Dong Xuan Center)“

Sounds of bartering in accented German. A phone conversation in Vietnamese. Delivery trucks honking. Tram stopping. Kids crying. Cashier machines beeping. Bluetooth Music. Silence.

Antonia Alessia Virginia Beeskow