Karl Sczuka Grant Prize 2022

Ira Hadžić: Heimatgefühle


Seven voices speak the same text. Each has a different accent. From the sonic differences, artist Ira Hadžić composes an audio piece about the boundaries of language and their dissolution.

“Here stands a reference-free word that longs for fulfillment.” This word is written in a text by Ira Hadžić. With its help, the artist explores what language means when it loses its meaning. Seven performers speak Hadžić’s text – in chorus, in turns and alone. Their voices are shaped by different lives and accents. In a collective act of speaking, they attempt to reach a space of experience beyond language. “There our home will find a home.”

Heimatgefühle is part of a series of works by Ira Hadžić around language compositions.

With: Maria de Faria, Hikaru Inagawa, Maco, Francesco Mancori, Carol McGuigan, Marco Montiel-Soto and Ira Hadžić.
Production: Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2021
Length: 31’15

Ira Hadžić

was born in Sarajevo and studied cultural anthropology. She lives in Berlin as an artist and author. In the field of tension between literature and (sound) art, she explores themes such as consciousness, perception, and introspection of linguistic expression.

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